Plan miasta Louresse Rochemenier

Louresse Rochemenier - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Study Abroad in Angers, France: L'Anjou Troglodytique & Les ...

We visited the troglodyte village of Louresse-Rochemenier (the houses were carved completely out of the soft rock prominent in the region, picture above). The area that we visited had been a working farm until the 1930's and there were ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Study Abroad in Angers, France: L'Anjou Troglodytique & Les ...

We visited the troglodyte village of Louresse-Rochemenier (the houses were carved completely out of the soft rock prominent in the region, picture above). The area that we visited had been a working farm until the 1930's and there were ...
źródło: BlogSearch


LOURESSE-ROCHEMENIER - 23 km de Saumur. Construit en 1590 par le maître meunier Mathurin Gouré, ce moulin de type "cavier", surmonte un ensemble de caves troglodytiques abritant son mécanisme...
źródło: BlogSearch
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